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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

I heard about Gone Girl through my daughter who also happens to be a bookworm like myself.  The difference between the two of us is that I'm no longer updated as to what's read-worthy.  So I am now dependent on my daughter in terms of my reading selections especially with the newer authors.

A couple of months ago, she mentioned Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn as a must read and like Pavlov's dog I got me an ebook copy and started reading.  However, after three chapters, I got bored with the diary like narrative that I forgot about it for a while.

The thing is, I downloaded the movie and I don't want to see it without having read the book (I don't know if this makes sense to you but that's my process.)  So I started reading it again and as the plot thickened I got more and more interested until finally I got to finish it.

So, was it a good read?  Yes.  You just have to endure the first few boring chapters. It is somewhat of a misdirect especially in terms of what Amy's diary entries were versus what actually is.  Trust me.  Read on.

Anyways, I also finally watched the movie.  Not as believable as the book though. In my opinion, the movie failed to establish the amount of work done by the antagonist to perform all the forensic counter measures to influence the outcome of Amy's case.

Morale of the story:  A patient and meticulous sociopath can be a very dangerous predator.

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